速報APP / 社交 / Bond Love

Bond Love



檔案大小:45.8 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Bond Love(圖1)-速報App

Successful couples stay active together and openly communicate with each other. In today's busy world; work, school, kids, friends, and hobbies can prevent couples from nurturing their own special relationship. Long distance relationships just make things even tougher.

Bond Love is the perfect companion for couples who are truly in love and don't want to lose focus on each other. Bond Love encourages couples to put their phones down and enjoy each other in the real world.

Bond Love helps couples keep love alive by helping them set fun goals together, encouraging flirty communication, and allowing them to share personal preferences that are sure to make each person a better lover.

Even getting started with Bond Love is a special experience because it takes both lovers to create and bond their separate accounts before unlocking Bond Love's great features. With Bond Love, lovers have a private, shared online space that keeps distractions out, and focuses them on enjoying each other in the real world.

Bond Love(圖2)-速報App

Fun activities called Connections help couples keep love alive. Together, lovers decide how many Connections they want to have and what their goals should be, if any. Connections are a great way to keep track of those fun activities you do together.

For those times when you want to say something special that no-one else can see, Bond Love has a completely private communication feature called Flirt. With Flirt, it is impossible to send to anyone but your lover.

No matter how long you've been in love, your sweetheart is always interesting and full of surprises. Bond Love's Style feature helps you stay up to date on what makes your lover tick. With the Style feature, you will know what to say and do to keep everyone happy.

Remember, Bond Love is totally private, so couples can be completely free to open up with each other.

Bond Love(圖3)-速報App

Download Bond Love today and Happy Lovin'!

Bond Love(圖4)-速報App